How to Make Your First Date Last Longer

Average Duration of a First Date

The average duration of a first date depends on the type of date. A dinner date typically lasts between 2 to 4 hours. On the other hand, an activity such as miniature golf or bowling may last around 1 to 2 hours.

If you are meeting for coffee or drinks, expect it to be shorter and usually wrap up within an hour or two.

Ultimately, the length of the first date is down to personal preference and should depend on how well you get along with your date.

Factors That Can Influence the Length of a First Date

When it comes to the length of a first date, there are several factors that can have an influence on how long you spend together. Depending on the personalities identifying possible causes for reduced sexual attraction involved, the conversation and chemistry between two people can be a big factor in determining how long they stay out.

If you hit it off right away and find lots to talk about, your date could last for hours. On the other hand, if there’s not much spark or you don’t have much to say to each other, then your evening might end sooner than expected.

Tips for Making Your First Date Last Longer

When it comes to making your first date last longer, preparation is key. Here are some tips for ensuring that you and your date have a great time:

  • Plan ahead: Take the time to think about the kind of activities you would like to do on your date. Consider where you would like to go, what you want to talk about, and any other details that could make for an enjoyable experience. This will help ensure that you have plenty of conversation topics, activities, and ideas ready when needed.
  • Keep it light: If this is your first date with someone, try not to dive too deep into discussing serious issues or topics right away.


WellHello is a great online dating website that can help you find your perfect match and lead to some truly memorable first dates. The site offers a variety of search functions, so you can find someone who shares your interests and values. Plus, the site’s user interface makes it easy to navigate so you click for more can quickly get up and running.

When it comes to how long do first dates last, WellHello lets users decide for themselves. Some people prefer to keep things light with a few hours of conversation over coffee or lunch while others are open to spending an entire day or evening together.


The DoubleList has become an increasingly popular online dating app, and it’s no surprise why. With its easy-to-use interface, comprehensive search options, and expansive user base, it’s the perfect platform for finding that special someone. But what about first dates?

How long do they last on DoubleList? Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question as each couple is different and all dates vary in length. However, we can provide some general advice regarding how long a first date should last when using the DoubleList app.


When it comes to the question of how long first dates last, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Every date is unique, and the length of them can vary depending on a few factors.

DateMyAge, a specialized dating site for people over 50 years old, offers users numerous opportunities to find potential matches and build relationships.

With DateMyAge, you can take your time deciding who you are interested in meeting up with and get to know them before committing to a first date.

How to End Your First Date Gracefully

Ending your first date gracefully is an important part of any dating experience. Here are some tips on how to leave a good impression and create a lasting memory for both you and your date.

Take the time to thank your date for spending time with you. You can express appreciation in person or through a text message after the date is over. This will show that you enjoyed yourself and had a good time, even if it wasn’t everything that you expected it to be.

Make sure to give your date some space afterwards by not asking them out again right away or pushing them for contact information.

What is the average length of a first date?

The average length of a first date is typically around two to three hours. This allows for enough time to get to know one another and decide if there is potential for a second date. Ultimately, the length of your first date depends on the comfort level between you and your date, so it can vary depending on how much you both want to talk or if other activities are planned.

How long should a first date last if you want to make a good impression?

That is entirely up to you, but it’s usually a good idea to keep the first date short and sweet. A couple of hours is usually perfect to get to know someone without feeling overwhelmed or running out of things to talk about.